Universal links issue troubleshoot On iOS 14

2 min readNov 25, 2020


If you face any issue with universal links on an ios 14 devices we can troubleshoot the issue in the following ways.

1. Update associated domains with mode as a “developer”.

For Reference

And if you want to test on an MDM device this mode could be “managed”.

2. Test universal links on iOS 14 devices we have to enable Associated domains Development (switch need be on).

In device

3. This will work only on the development mode device(means provisioning profile is dev one). This means if your app certifies with a distribution profile it won’t work.

In order to work with every profile if we host our AASA file in the public domain it will work i.e different topics, here we are troubleshooting if an AASA file hosted in the private domain and makes it work for ios 14 devices.

4. Troubleshoot for the AASA file, we can verify by using the console.

We can use the device Console to see some logs. Open Spotlight search, and search for console and launch it.

In the search field, we can filter the logs with the keyword “swcd".

These logs provide some activities related to Universal Links and other associated domain features. We can see the system is downloading the AASA file or not if it errors it will display here.


If you are facing any issue with Universal links in iOS 14 devices please follow the above steps.

If you want to update the AASA file structure follow the apple(https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/supporting_associated_domains).

